Freedom to be you

One-to-one mentoring with Diana

My Private Mentorship and Training program is the most intimate and personalized offering available, providing the highest level of access to my energy and expertise. Due to its intensive nature, I accept only a select number of clients at a time to ensure that each receives the focused attention and tailored guidance necessary for profound transformation.

This program is designed for those who are not only committed to deep personal growth but also aspire to become their own best guides, teachers, and healers.

As your mentor, I aim to empower you to establish a direct connection to the highest wisdom and gain crystal clarity on your path. You will learn to trust your inner voice and harness your innate capabilities to navigate life's challenges and opportunities. Throughout this transformative journey, you will deepen, expand, and refine your connection with yourself, your relationships, your career, and your resources.

I believe that all areas of life are interconnected; changes ignited from within can lead to transformative shifts in external circumstances, allowing you to manifest a life aligned with your truest intentions and highest aspirations. As we work together, you will receive not only strategic insights but also unwavering support and love.

This holistic approach ensures a balanced and meaningful development, empowering you to take charge of your own healing and growth process. Ultimately, this mentorship is about equipping you to stand as a pillar of wisdom and strength in your own life, fully capable of leading yourself on your journey toward fulfillment.

One-to-one mentoring with Diana

My Private Mentorship and Training program is the most intimate and personalized offering available, providing the highest level of access to my energy and expertise. Due to its intensive nature, I accept only a select number of clients at a time to ensure that each receives the focused attention and tailored guidance necessary for profound transformation.

This program is designed for those who are not only committed to deep personal growth but also aspire to become their own best guides, teachers, and healers.

As your mentor, I aim to empower you to establish a direct connection to the highest wisdom and gain crystal clarity on your path. You will learn to trust your inner voice and harness your innate capabilities to navigate life's challenges and opportunities. Throughout this transformative journey, you will deepen, expand, and refine your connection with yourself, your relationships, your career, and your resources.

I believe that all areas of life are interconnected; changes ignited from within can lead to transformative shifts in external circumstances, allowing you to manifest a life aligned with your truest intentions and highest aspirations. As we work together, you will receive not only strategic insights but also unwavering support and love.

This holistic approach ensures a balanced and meaningful development, empowering you to take charge of your own healing and growth process. Ultimately, this mentorship is about equipping you to stand as a pillar of wisdom and strength in your own life, fully capable of leading yourself on your journey toward fulfillment.

In the Integral Liberation Method, depending on your current state and dedication to your personal transformation, our journey together encompasses both the energetic and practical elements needed for profound internal change. We utilize specific assessment modalities to tailor the process to your unique needs, including:

⭐️ Enneagram: Utilize this dynamic system to understand your personality type and core motivations, which illuminates paths for personal and spiritual development.
⭐️ Ayurveda: Apply principles of this ancient holistic healing practice to balance your physical and mental health according to your unique body type.
⭐️ Astrology: Gain insights into your character and life patterns through astrological charts, aiding in the alignment of your efforts with cosmic rhythms.
⭐️ Human Design: Discover your genetic design to better understand how you are built to interact with the world, make decisions, and fulfill your life purpose.
⭐️ Attachment Style: Explore your pattern of relating to others in relationships to heal and foster secure and healthy connections.
⭐️ Core Soul Wounds: Identify and heal deep-seated spiritual and emotional wounds that shape your beliefs and behaviors.

I support all types of humans:

I support a diverse range of individuals, each with unique needs and aspirations:

⭐️ Highly Sensitive and Spiritually-Connected Beings: For those who feel deeply attuned to spiritual realms but seek greater alignment in practical areas like career paths, visionary business creation, success, resource management, and financial planning. I help bridge the gap between your spiritual practices and everyday practicalities, ensuring you thrive in all aspects of life.

⭐️ Highly Successful Leaders and Professionals: For leaders and professionals who have achieved external success and now wish to delve deeper into their internal landscapes. If you’re seeking a greater purpose, a mission, or a connection with something greater than yourself, I guide you in mastering your own energetic blueprint and aligning with your true calling.

⭐️ Highly Emotional Beings: For those who have experienced intense relationship dynamics and are ready to transform their approach to connections. I assist in deepening your relationship with the Source and your inner power, helping you sever ties with toxic relationship patterns and embrace healthier, more fulfilling interactions.

I am deeply committed to serving as a conduit for whatever change or energy needs to flow through me for the benefit of each client. My approach often involves bringing necessary stories and dynamics to the surface in a loving, fun, and compassionate manner. Investing in my services means gaining access to the depth of my insight. Together, we uncover and address layers of limiting beliefs, past wounds, and detrimental stories. Once these are brought to light, healing, release, and profound life changes can occur, whether in business, career, relationships, or personal well-being.


This container will be a combination of mentorship-style space holding, activations, training on specific topics, and wisdom drops, so the change and healing happen naturally. It is very common that people who stay in my energy field for a longer time, transform the multiple areas of their life, especially energy levels, relationship dynamics, career path, and personal wellness.

Our work together also includes comprehensive practices in:

⭐️ Self-Mastery: Cultivate a deep understanding of your core self and enhance your ability to navigate life with autonomy and grace.

⭐️ Energy Mastery: Learn to manage and harness your personal energy fields for increased vitality and spiritual awareness.

⭐️ Inner Child Healing: Address and heal the wounds of your younger self, freeing you from past traumas and enabling emotional liberation.

⭐️ Shadow Work: Confront and integrate the hidden parts of your psyche, leading to greater wholeness and authenticity.

⭐️ Emotional Mastery: Develop the skills to navigate your emotions with ease, transforming emotional energy into a source of strength.

⭐️ Harmony in Relationships: Improve your interpersonal connections, creating more loving and understanding interactions with others.

⭐️ Mindset Training: Reframe your cognitive processes to support your highest good, fostering a mindset that attracts success and fulfillment.

⭐️ Balancing the Masculine and Feminine Within: Find equilibrium between your masculine and feminine energies, promoting internal balance and external effectiveness.

⭐️ Resource Realignment: Align your personal and professional resources with your true purpose, enhancing efficiency and satisfaction.

I support all types of humans:

I support a diverse range of individuals, each with unique needs and aspirations:

⭐️ Highly Sensitive and Spiritually-Connected Beings: For those who feel deeply attuned to spiritual realms but seek greater alignment in practical areas like career paths, visionary business creation, success, resource management, and financial planning. I help bridge the gap between your spiritual practices and everyday practicalities, ensuring you thrive in all aspects of life.

⭐️ Highly Successful Leaders and Professionals: For leaders and professionals who have achieved external success and now wish to delve deeper into their internal landscapes. If you’re seeking a greater purpose, a mission, or a connection with something greater than yourself, I guide you in mastering your own energetic blueprint and aligning with your true calling.

⭐️ Highly Emotional Beings: For those who have experienced intense relationship dynamics and are ready to transform their approach to connections. I assist in deepening your relationship with the Source and your inner power, helping you sever ties with toxic relationship patterns and embrace healthier, more fulfilling interactions.

I am deeply committed to serving as a conduit for whatever change or energy needs to flow through me for the benefit of each client. My approach often involves bringing necessary stories and dynamics to the surface in a loving, fun, and compassionate manner. Investing in my services means gaining access to the depth of my insight. Together, we uncover and address layers of limiting beliefs, past wounds, and detrimental stories. Once these are brought to light, healing, release, and profound life changes can occur, whether in business, career, relationships, or personal well-being.

This container will be a combination of mentorship-style space holding, activations, training on specific topics, and wisdom drops, so the change and healing happen naturally. It is very common that people who stay in my energy field for a longer time, transform the multiple areas of their life, especially energy levels, relationship dynamics, career path, and personal wellness.

Our work together also includes comprehensive practices in:

⭐️ Self-Mastery: Cultivate a deep understanding of your core self and enhance your ability to navigate life with autonomy and grace.

⭐️ Energy Mastery: Learn to manage and harness your personal energy fields for increased vitality and spiritual awareness.

⭐️ Inner Child Healing: Address and heal the wounds of your younger self, freeing you from past traumas and enabling emotional liberation.

⭐️ Shadow Work: Confront and integrate the hidden parts of your psyche, leading to greater wholeness and authenticity.

⭐️ Emotional Mastery: Develop the skills to navigate your emotions with ease, transforming emotional energy into a source of strength.

⭐️ Harmony in Relationships: Improve your interpersonal connections, creating more loving and understanding interactions with others.

⭐️ Mindset Training: Reframe your cognitive processes to support your highest good, fostering a mindset that attracts success and fulfillment.

⭐️ Balancing the Masculine and Feminine Within: Find equilibrium between your masculine and feminine energies, promoting internal balance and external effectiveness.

⭐️ Resource Realignment: Align your personal and professional resources with your true purpose, enhancing efficiency and satisfaction.

One-to-One Mentoring Available for Both Men and Women

My mentoring program is designed to support your personal and professional development through scheduled sessions that can be arranged bimonthly, over the course of 3, 6, or 12 months. Flexible payment options are available to accommodate your needs.

I encourage you to begin with a FREE clarity call. This initial conversation is important to determine if we are the right match. It gives you the opportunity to learn more about how I work and what you can expect from our sessions, ensuring our collaboration will be fruitful and aligned with your growth objectives.porta


Work with Diana in one of the transformational, deep, and empowering workshops.

Diana regularly organizes workshops both online and offline, as she believes in the power of group energy. She has organized more than one hundred authentic connection events, and she is known for the thought-provoking workshop content, deep transformational energy, and compassionate space for everyone.  


She often organizes workshops with other conscious leaders making as she believes in the power of cooperation. The topics will be dedicated to the personal, relationship, business, financial transformations.

The easiest way to find the next workshop is to join Conscious Living Collective. All events are always posted there. Diana also hosts monthly free workshops inside her group on relevant topics. Join the group to learn more.


Work with Diana in one of the transformational, deep, and empowering workshops.

Diana regularly organizes workshops both online and offline, as she believes in the power of group energy. She has organized more than one hundred authentic connection events, and she is known for the thought-provoking workshop content, deep transformational energy, and compassionate space for everyone.  

She often organizes workshops with other conscious leaders making as she believes in the power of cooperation. The topics will be dedicated to the personal, relationship, business, financial transformations.

The easiest way to find the next workshop is to join Conscious Living Collective. All events are always posted there. Diana also hosts monthly free workshops inside her group on relevant topics. Join the group to learn more.

What Our Participants Say About Workshops With Diana

What Our Clients Say About Workshops With Diana


Diana brings a transformational and inspiring presence with a calm confident and intuitive approach to sharing what the audience needs at the specific moment. 

She connects the logical analytical factual presentation with a powerful, authentic, and intuitive storytelling approach

Her speaking topics include:

  • ⭐️ Inner Union
  • ⭐️ Living in Alignment with the Five Elements
  • ⭐️ Emotional Mastery
  • ⭐️ Elevated Leadership
  • ⭐️ Reconnection with Inner Knowing

If you are looking for a partner to infuse your event with some fresh and powerful messages, it is easiest to email us at or apply for a personal Online meeting here


Diana brings a transformational and inspiring presence with a calm confident and intuitive approach to sharing what the audience needs at the specific moment. 

She connects the logical analytical factual presentation with a powerful, authentic, and intuitive storytelling approach. 

Her speaking topics include:

  • ⭐️ Inner Union
  • ⭐️ Emotional Mastery
  • ⭐️ Elevated Leadership
  • ⭐️ Living in Alignment with Five Elements
  • ⭐️ Reconnection with Inner Knowing

If you are looking for a partner to infuse your event with some fresh and powerful messages, it is easiest to email us at or apply for a personal Online meeting here

What participants say about Diana as a speaker

What clients say about Diana as a speaker


3-5 days retreat is an intense experience designed to create a deep transformation, a powerful transition from the old to the new state of being. 

Diana usually creates retreat experiences with other conscious leaders to enhance the process of transmutation and healing, so the participants find a new sense of clarity, purpose, vision, and a much deeper connection with their true essence.

There will be no coming retreats in 2024.


3-5 days retreat is an intense experience designed to create a deep transformation, a powerful transition from the old to the new state of being. 

Diana usually creates retreat experiences with other conscious leaders to enhance the process of transmutation and healing, so the participants find a new sense of clarity, purpose, vision, and a much deeper connection with their true essence.

There will be no coming retreats in 2024. 

What Our Participants Say About The Experience

What Our Clients Say About The Retreats