Month: September 2021

  • On the Journey to Unconditionally Loving Yourself

    Let’s talk about your balance.


    Everything moves in a beautiful dance of expansion and contraction.

    We expand our consciousness, so our external reality expands together.

    The expansion also means that we move through our blocks, old stories, and limitations with a faster speed.


    After the period of expansion, we contract. It means, we need time to integrate that expansion into our inner being, our body.

    Expansion first and foremost happens in a quantum field.

    Then we start attracting new opportunities on the way.


    This is where we might want to self-sabotage and stop the growth. Or we can take a break and integrate. That’s why taking time to integrate is so important.

    And then integration moves to our body, so we can ground the new experience, new frequency, and new vision in our cells, muscles, tissues, inner organs and nervous system.


    One of the more simple ways to image the process is walking through the five elements, and moving through the stages of integration and expansion process.

    We ground and accept reality as it is with the Earth element. Once we have inner stability, we are ready to move through transformation.


    Water allows us to get in touch with our deeper wounds, emotions, and old stories. This is where we get vulnerable and see ourselves as we are. Once we can open up to an increased sense of self-love, we can love ourselves as we are, we will no longer feel so much triggered by other people’s opinions.


    Once we move into the state of deeper self-love, we can feel more clarity in our minds. We move through the energy of Air. Once we stabilize the qualities of air, we receive greater clarity on our decisions, we become more creative and open for our plans, our purpose, and our vision.


    Fire gives us this ignited passion to start and move things forward, to transform and find the inner power to take inspired actions in life. Fire gives us this boost of energy to move forward with all that we have intended.


    Then we move to the element of space, we experience integration. This is where we integrate all the other elements, this is where we stop, take a break, and reflect on all the processes. Space also gives us this quality to look beyond everything, expand our consciousness and move to the higher realms of experience.


    Honor your process and honor all the gross elements which are present in you. Let nature remind you about the elements.


    If you want to learn more about the elements and practices connected to each element, find the free recording of our training on 5 elements and related practices here: The five elements

  • Our Body is the temple of transformation and manifestation

    I have recently been certified and initiated in the art of Quantum Flow embodiment practices.

    It has been the most powerful, transformative, and expansive conscious embodiment practice I have tried.


    And I have tried many forms of yoga, Tai Chi, Gi Qong, and I’m a certified Hatha and Kundalini, yoga teacher. But this practice was something different.

    Quantum flow practices accelerated the inner being in a very gentle yet powerful and profound way.


    Quantum Flow is an embodiment method that works on every layer of our being. It is a technology used to manifest from our Soul; our life purpose, highest vision, and the most aligned life ever.


    Through movement, breath flow, vibrational sound, and meditation, you tap into the Quantum Field of infinite possibilities using the body as a vehicle of transformation, manifestation, and abundance.


    You are opening up to full manifestation in every layer of your being, working through the physical body from a deep cellular level, re-wiring, β€œbio-hacking” the nervous system, expanding your energy body (chakras and meridians), upgrading your electromagnetic field so you can tap into the messages of your Soul, your highest intuition.


    Quantum Flow works on multiple levels simultaneously: physical, energetic, mental, emotional, and spiritual. You learn how to use your emotions to transform any low vibrational emotions, into vibrating from the high-level frequency that will awaken your Soul purpose.



  • Becoming Neutral Observer

    It’s an illusion to believe that β€œonce we work through our shadows, we will always be happy”.

    It’s not a natural state.


    Toxic positivity can be a dangerous game if we judge ourselves from not feeling on top or having feelings of sadness.

    Life indeed can present circumstances and experiences that will make us sad.

    And indeed, opening our hearts fully, we will risk getting hurt.

    And no, it’s not always because we haven’t resolved something inside ourselves, or that we are not fully healed.


    It is simply called LIFE πŸ™‚

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    However, the way we approach our sadness changes with the rising consciousness and awareness about ourselves.

    We can simply observe the feelings of sadness and pain without attaching or grasping them.

    As much as we shall not be attached to feelings of happiness and excitement – they shall pass to.

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    Relationships in our life will teach us the depth of emotional presence.

    And once we work on our inner child wounds, unconscious shadows, and start to validate the full spectrum of our feelings, we will become much more open to the full spectrum of emotions as we will not identify ourselves with them.

    Allow yourself to FEEL, so you can heal.
