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  • Water: Emotional Flow Copy

    This session is dedicated to:
    connecting with our emotions & the core soul wounds,
    releasing stored emotional energy,
    expanding our capacity to love and heal through meditation.
    It may appear easier, at times, not to feel. Sometimes we try to make our feelings disappear because we are afraid of them. We are afraid because acknowledging what we really feel would bring us face to face with reality. We would become aware of what we’re thinking, what we want, and what we need to do. And when we might need to make a change, and change is painful.
    However, repressing or denying feelings can lead to headaches, blockages, and weakened health conditions. It can lead to addiction, compulsive behaviors. And they don’t go away.
    The feeling is energy. Repressed feelings block our energy. Therefore, it’s so important to find time and space to connect with our emotions, wounds and deeper feelings, so we can identify our needs, wants, wishes.
    And then we can direct our life towards the vision, that we deeply desire and open life force energy to take aligned actions towards it and embrace the change.
    This session includes:
    • Talk about Water element, balanced and imbalanced states of it, the core soul wounds of human experience, emotions and how we can experience them in a healthy way,
    • Healing meditative journey on heart-opening and emotional freedom by David Daubin,
    • Kundalini yoga exercises for releasing stored emotions in the body,
    • EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique) Exercise.
  • Fire: Inner Power Copy

    Let’s ignite that inner power, so we are ready to embrace our own Divinity, transform our limitations, and take actions towards the manifestation of our vision!

    In this session, you will focus on topics and practices:
    – Fire element, balanced and imbalanced states of it,
    – Inner alchemy, aligned actions, and strategy for your vision, intention, and purpose,
    – Kundalini yoga and breathwork for inner transformation,
    – Practices for inner power, focus on inner confidence vs outer confidence,
    – Meditative journey for inner power and finding the best next action in your life by David Dauben.
  • Air: Mental Clarity Copy

    Let’s connect with the qualities of air, and explore expansiveness, freedom, inspiration, imagination, a higher perspective, communication, and ideas together.
    In this session, you will have an opportunity to:
    – Get insights about the element of air, and how to balance it,
    – Connect with your intuition and true self through meditation by David Daubin,
    – Get more clear about your purpose and vision,
    – Get clarity on your limitations and how to move through them,
    – Experience breathwork and Kundalini yoga exercises for clearing your mind and opening your channel to your intuitive guidance.
    You will receive more clarity thru the power of the air element, feel balanced, energized by deepened connection to your essential true self.