
  • The Power of Allowing

    Most of us, who are on the path of personal growth, must be aware of Law of Attraction. A little reminder, if you have not be introduced to the concept: “The law of attraction is the attractive, magnetic power of the Universe that draws similar energies together. It manifests through the power of creation, everywhere and in many ways. Even the law of gravity is part of the law of attraction. This law attracts thoughts, ideas, people, situations and circumstances.” Remez Sasson.

    One of the most difficult aspects to fully understanding and living by the Law of Attraction is the art of allowing and surrendering. We have been taught that in order to achieve, we must strive, me must push, we must act, we must be competitive and we must be the best. It takes YEARS to shift this beliefs and patterns around it and to believe that the opposite is true. I am not stating here, that we shall just relax and wait things to come to us. We need a clear intention, vision, purpose, we do need to take inspired intuitive actions, which lead us to our vision and goals, BUT if we do not learn to relax and allow, be ready to receive, feel worthy to enjoy things that we desire, then none of our dreams can come true.

    It is not easy to release and surrender, when you really want something. Again I do not state here that we shall relax and say “I don’t care, whatever comes, I am fine”. In this case, you might get something that you really do not want. I rather suggest to set a desire, intention, purpose (why you want it), feel gratitude for what you already have in your life (always good to see the situation around the world and if you have a computer, time and Internet connection to read this article, your situation should not be not so bad) and start feeling that what you want or something better is on the way. When your actions feels inspired, take the actions, but don’t push.

    And and forget it. You did all what you could. Go an enjoy a cup of tea/coffee, take a long walk or something what really makes your heart sing. And see miracles coming on your way..Maybe not exactly what you expected, but even better 🙂 Trust.


  • Creativity

    Creativity is a quality. No matter what you do: developing a new IT solution, managing a project, cleaning, walking, networking, creating a monthly report – do it creatively and mindfully. It will bring you joy and change a perspective to you daily life.

    Not all of us are born artists or dancers, but it is a very limited idea of being creative. Being creative, being joyful is your own responsibility, society, your friends, family are not responsible for that.

    Do not seek some immediate confirmation of your creativity, society is full of standards, criteria of judgement and creativity cannot be judged. Therefore, you need to be free and courageous in order to be creative.