The element of water brings flexibility, flow, and emotional freedom to our life. Once we are connected with the element of water, we find this soft resilience in moving through challenges in life, we are connected with our emotions, we can receive and give love, we are connected to our creative expression.⁠


Sometimes we try to make our feelings disappear because we are afraid of them. We are afraid because acknowledging what we really feel would bring us face to face with reality. So, we try to hide from feeling our emotions.

Sometimes, our emotions are stored since childhood, if we have never let ourselves experience and feel what we feel. ⁠

Repressing or denying feelings can lead to headaches, blockages, and weakened health conditions. It can lead to addiction, compulsive behaviours. And they don’t go away. Even it can feel unpleasant at first, it is necessary to do deep soul work, so we can discover our main soul wounds, stories and then we can heal them and move to the natural state of being.⁠


The feeling is energy. Repressed feelings block our energy. Therefore, it’s so important to find time and space to connect with our emotions, wounds, and deeper feelings, so we can identify our needs, wants, wishes.⁠


If we have a balanced water element, we can flow through life, let go of control, feel the emotional flow, tap into our creativity, love ourselves and others, feel all emotions, yet not be attached to them.


Find out more about the water element, how you can identify your connection to it, and what practices you can use to bring your emotions into balance inside my newest e-book + free training on the five elements.